How to Make an Ergonomic Workspace
Injury Prevention
You spend hours and hours of your day working at a desk. Why compound a situation that’s already not super ideal by working in a space that’s uncomfortable, unaccommodating, and flat-out bad for your health? We can’t make your workday sail by any faster, but if you can make an ergonomic workspace for yourself, you can prevent back pain, headaches, and the dreaded condition known as tech neck.
How to Make an Ergonomic Workspace
Get the Right Equipment
Buying a cheap mattress may be great for saving some bucks, but when you spend a third of your life sleeping (hopefully), you’re doing your body a disservice. The same goes if you spend another third of your time sitting at a desk. Cheaping out on your office chair, computer accessories, and desk may not rack up the savings you think it will if results in a work-related injury.
If you work from home and need to make an office, make sure it’s an ergonomic workspace. Get a chair that has adequate lumbar support and adjustability, a keyboard and mouse geared toward preventing conditions like carpal tunnel, and a desk that’s functional as well as fashionable. One great option would be a desk that can switch between standing and sitting, giving you more incentive to switch up your 9-to-5 habits for the better.
Everything in Its Place
Now that you’ve bought everything you need for an ergonomic workspace, it’s time to put the pieces together the right way. Having a comfy chair and an ergonomic keyboard and mouse isn’t enough to prevent back pain on its own. You need to follow the rules of good ergonomics, and that means making sure that everything is positioned in such a way that you can do your work without overextending or letting tension build up in your muscles.
Things like seating position, keyboard angle, and desk height are all critical components of a worker-friendly office. If you don’t have your monitor positioned to where you can keep your shoulders relaxed and maintain good head posture, you’re bound to wind up feeling the effects of tech neck at the end of the day.
Prevent Back Pain and Text Neck in Brooklyn, NY
Look, let’s level. Nobody really wants to spend eight hours of their day sitting at a desk. But if you’ve got to do it to pay the bills, make sure you’re taking care of yourself. That starts with making an ergonomic workspace and includes getting regular chiropractic adjustments. Williamsburg Chiropractic in Brooklyn, NY, is here to help you stave off text neck and prevent back pain so that you can spend that free third of your life doing exactly what you want. Make good use of your time—schedule your next appointment today.

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